Sometimes, no matter how hard you exercise or diet, your double chin or banana roll just won’t go away. KYBELLA® is the solution you’ve been searching for. KYBELLA is a non-surgical injectable that eliminates fat pockets—permanently!

This injectable works by destroying fat cells, so they no longer live in the treated area. Essentially, if you can pinch it, we can poke it.

The Way It Works

During an initial consultation, your skin artist will determine the number of treatments needed to achieve your desired outcome. This treatment takes time and costs about the same or more than liposuction. However, when your treatment is complete, your skin is tightened, and there is NO scaring. The active ingredient in KYBELLA is synthetic deoxycholic acid. Deoxycholic acid is a naturally occurring molecule in the body that aids in the breakdown and absorption of dietary fat. When injected into the fat beneath the chin, KYBELLA destroys fat cells, resulting in a noticeable reduction in fullness under the chin. Once destroyed, these cells can no longer store or accumulate fat, so further treatment is not expected once you reach your desired aesthetic goal.

What It Treats

  • Abdominal sculpting
  • Banana roll
  • Bra fat
  • Double chin
  • Inner elbow fat
  • Inner/outer thigh contouring
  • Jaw profile
  • Knee fat
  • Under-boob rolls


At each treatment, you will receive multiple small injections under your chin, and the injection process takes about 15 to 20 minutes. The exact number of injections will depend on the amount of fat you have under your chin and your desired profile.


Since everyone’s chin profile is different, the number of treatments varies from patient to patient. Your healthcare specialist will help determine how many treatment sessions you need based on the amount and distribution of your submental fat and your personal treatment goals. Each KYBELLA treatment session is given at least 1 month apart, and you should not receive more than 6 treatments. In clinical studies, 59% of patients received 6 treatments.


After KYBELLA treatment, you will likely have some swelling, bruising, or numbness under your chin. Be sure to inform your healthcare professional if you develop an uneven smile, facial muscle weakness, difficulty swallowing or injection site problems such as bruising, hair loss, open sores (ulcers), and damage and tissue cell-death (necrosis) around the injection site. Call your healthcare provider if you develop open sores or drainage from the treatment area.

Schedule a private consultation by calling 480.280.6062

Frequently Asked Questions

How should I prepare for my treatment?
You should AVOID alcoholic beverages for 24 hours before your appointment. Alcohol can thin the blood and increase bruising. You should also AVOID anti-inflammatory and blood-thinning medications in the 2 weeks before treatment.

When should I schedule my treatment if I have events approaching?
You should plan your treatment 2–3 weeks before your event. The procedure works by swelling the fat cells in the area treated. So, plan for downtime after each treatment.

Will I have any side effects?
You may have some initial bruising. We recommend avoiding salt, alcohol, and vigorous exercise for 24 hours after your treatment. Plan to ice and elevate the area for comfort.

What can I expect before and during treatment?
You will be escorted to the treatment room, where you’ll make yourself comfortable in the chair. Your skin artist will review your desired results, treatment options, and our Comfort Menu before treatment begins. Together, the two of you will create a customized treatment plan. Next, treatment will be administered with very small needles. It’s important to follow post-treatment instructions, which will be reviewed before you leave the office.

Comfort Care

We recognize that clients may experience anxiety when considering injectables and other med spa treatments. To alleviate stress and anxiety, we offer an array of comfort care tools designed specifically for this purpose.

Vibration Tools
Gently press and massage the T-shaped tool around your face and jawline to add mild vibration and help relax your facial muscles.

Let Pro-Nox take away the pain and worry of any treatment so you can focus on the results. Empower yourself by controlling any discomfort by inhaling this blend of nitrous oxide and oxygen.

Stress Balls
This therapeutic tool manages anxiety by squeezing away stress during your treatment.

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